About Me


I am Sergej, a Level and Game Designer based in Germany currently working remotely for Point Blank Games. My passion for video games started early in life and never let up, leading me to pursue a career in game development. Level Design was the discipline that immediately clicked for me, as it allows me to express my broad and generalist skillset to great extent, while being a discipline with endless potential to specialize and keep learning.

I play a lot of games to try to keep up with the industry as well as just out of pure passion for gaming and for inspiration – however I believe the most potent sources of inspiration come out away from games, just being aware of processes in the world and soaking up your environment, which I try to be mindful of in my day to day life.

Social Media

Work Experience

April 2021 –
Point Blank Games
Level & Game Designer. Previously: Level Designer

Currently I am a working as a Level & Game Designer at Point Blank Games and shipped STRAY BLADE in April 2023. Now working on Stray Blade patches and an unannounced project.

Responsibilities: Blockouts, Enemy Encounter setup, scripting level logic, enemy design iterations, full ownership and iteration process on all levels, balance, enemy camp structure creation

May 2019
Headup Games
Freelance Video Editor

Creation of a series of three feature videos as well as the launch trailer for the game VAMBRACE: COLD SOUL.

April 2018 – October 2018
Headup Games
QA and Video Editing Intern

Testing all games close to release before they enter submission on console to ensure they pass certification. Later on also responsibility for trailer edits, smaller graphic design tasks and ownership over some entirely new trailers.

What I do...

  • full ownership over the level design pipeline: planning, blockouts, iterations, scripting, collaboration with all departments
  • research references extensively to be confident and immersed in the created structures
  • confidently navigate through the engine to iterate and implement everything needed
  • focus and awareness of player guidance through mechanics and composition
  • level logic scripting in Unreal Blueprints, basic scripting in C#

  • combat- and systems design
  • prototyping new game mechanics and iterations
  • strong technical understanding and interest, allowing easy interfacing with programmers

What I use...

Unreal Engine 4/5

Professional proficiency


University and personal project experience

Adobe Photoshop

Professional proficiency

Adobe Premiere

Solid basic editing workflow experience